Varsity color guard’s season
Varsity Color Guard
February 27, 2019
Last week, the Mt. Vernon Varsity Winter Guard competed in Terre Haute. They have placed fifth at every competition they have competed in so far, and intend to keep pushing forward. So far, the guard has been performing a very successful season.
The show’s theme is a twist on being trapped within one’s mind, similar to that of a birdcage. Their costumes are black and fitted, and the sleeves are decorated with feathers to further add to the darker elements of the show.
Auditions for the team occured in December, and since then, these students have been driving through rehearsals in order to produce a successful show.
Jacob Casler, 10, advocates for his teams success. “I think it’s really fun,” he said, “Things have been interesting, but we have been getting a lot better.”
But, being on a team does have it’s lower moments.
“There are definitely a lot of complications,” said Casler. “But, we work really well together and love doing what we do.”
Finals are about a month and a half away for the Varsity Guard, and they take the stage this Saturday at Mt. Vernon High School.