Road safety

Emma Moore, MVC Staff Wrtier

As the roads are beginning to get slicker with the winter conditions, students must stay safe on the roads.

“The roads are very different throughout every season, and with the winter season it becomes extremely dangerous and people should be more careful to keep everyone safe,” said Halle Strege, 12.

In order to stay safe on the roads, students can take precautions such as leaving a few minutes earlier than usual, going slower down the roads, and giving themselves time to scrape the windows on their cars.

Students need to make sure to have patience going on the road, be aware of the drivers, don’t cruise, and always pass with precaution.

Another good way to stay safe is checking the weather forecast the night before so that way you are more prepared and can plan accordingly.

“I think road safety in the winter is important because your life is important and so are others,” said Sarah Cardenas, 11.

There have been several wrecks that have occurred before school that mainly include a student rear-ending someone due to the slick and poor conditions of the roads.

Road safety will ensure that students get to school in a safe manner.