Club night took place after the Varsity boys’ basketball game on Friday, January 11. The event was hosted by the AfriCAN club. There was a DJ there to play music, and food and drinks for sale.
“We raised the most amount of money ever, out of all the club nights,” said Tony Fleming, 11.
It cost $5 to get into the dance for regular dancers, and it cost $10 to become a VIP member. The VIP members had access to free food and a chance to sit in the lounge area.
Many of the people who attended enjoyed the dance and had a good time.
“The dance was good,” said Lindsay Hartl, 12. “Everyone was dancing. The music could’ve been a little better, but people danced the whole time. The VIP was good because we got a bunch of food for free.”
The AfriCAN members were very pleased with the outcome of the dance.
“It was fun, the songs were popular, overall it went well,” said Alycia Arkenau, 10. “The VIP did really well and we made a lot of money.”
The dance was an overall success and the money will go to a great cause.