New Years Resolutions
January 14, 2019
2018 has now come to end and as the old saying goes, “New year, new me.” In some ways, January is a new beginning. You can reflect on your accomplishments and make a plan for the new year ahead.
A resolution is a promise you make to yourself. Some resolutions may include family, friends, and school because you might want to build better relationships or do better and get better grades. Maybe you finally want to go to the gym and be healthy or even stop procrastinating. Making and keeping a New Year’s resolution may be very difficult for some, but there are ways to keep them.
One way to help yourself keep resolutions may be to make smaller, more manageable resolutions. Another thing people can do if they are struggling with keep resolutions is maybe try to write them down where you look regularly. It also helps to check with yourself and make sure that you are following through with them. Think about the outcome at the end and what will come out of this change.
“I usually never complete my resolutions due to the fact I always give up when it does not work out,” said Jayden Jenkins, 10.
There will be problems and you might want to give up, but practice makes perfect. Some people think that if your resolutions do not work out to just quit, but you should not just quit. You should try to adjust them.