Homecoming Game
September 17, 2018
The Mount Vernon football team did it again with a victory at this year’s homecoming game against Greenfield Central on August 31. With a final score of 60-14, the Marauders defeated their rival. The stand was filled with cheering parents and students urging on their classmates and friends. The game was at full swing from around 7:00-9:45.
During halftime, the color guard and the marching band performed on the football field. Also, during halftime, the winners of the homecoming king and queen were announced. Emme Longman and Jackson Shrowe were crowned.
¨I had a ton of fun during the game,¨” said Jackson Shrowe, 12 ¨It was nice to see everyone in the school with so much spirit and seeing our team destroy Greenfield.¨
Shrowe also stated, ¨It was honestly an extremely surreal feeling. I never really expected to win, but there was that small part of me that really wanted to win this. When they said my name I was absolutely stunned. I saw my parents jump up and cheer and I felt pure joy. The feeling was only intensified when I heard Emme’s name get called out too. It was a wonderful experience.¨
This football game was indeed another victory for the Mt. Vernon Marauders.

Mv Band Drums

Mv Band Performing

The Band performing