I recently bought a travel-size oil diffuser from Meijer, and so far my experience using the diffuser has proved well worth the purchase.
This diffuser costs around $15, a low price for the product due to its smaller size. However, I enjoy the travel-size style since it makes the diffuser easier to move from room to room and to fit on my already cluttered desk.
The diffuser comes in a travel bag and includes three different essential oils: lemongrass, peppermint, and lavender. While the bottles are pretty small, only a few drops of oil are needed for each use, so the included oil could last a good amount of time. Also included are extra fabric pads, which are used to contain the oil while inside the diffuser, and a USB cord for easy charging.
Personally, I think this diffuser is great for students who are going to college next year and would like a functional accessory for their dorm room. Its small size makes it perfect for fitting on tiny dorm room furniture, and the glowing, color-changing top makes for an interesting addition to bland walls and wooden desks.
College students may also appreciate the health benefits provided by oil diffusers, especially when living off of stockpiled granola bars and limited hours of sleep. The three oils included with this diffuser have unique qualities that could help out in a variety of situations. Peppermint improves cognitive function and breathing, lavender promotes sleep and eases joint pain, and lemongrass repels insects- a use which may prove to be vital depending on the quality of dorm building one lives in.