We love our moms!

More stories from Lauren Pilkington

After school snack
April 17, 2018

This year, Mother’s Day will be celebrated on Sunday May, 13. Mother’s Day is one Sunday a year that a lot of people like to use to honor their mothers for all of the hard work that they have do.

Most mothers are celebrated for showing love and for being a support system for their family.

Kaitlyn Nugent, 12, said “My mom means so much to me because she is my #1 supporter. She is an amazing woman who works hard and is willing to help anyone when she gets the chance. I am very thankful to have my mom in my life and have her as my #1 person to go when I have something to talk about.”

Not only are mom’s there to support, but they’re also there to listen and that’s what Timothy Clone, 12, likes about his mom.

“I’m thankful for my mom because she’s my number one fan and deals with my crap,” said Clone.

Not only do moms support and listen, but they care, clean, and provide and that’s something that should be celebrated everyday.

Mary Fleming, 12, said, “I could never thank my mom enough for all she does for me. She has been there for me through everything and I appreciate her so much for that. She does so many little things for me that really add up and I literally could not get by without her. Thank you mom!”

Make sure to tell your mom you’re thankful for her on Sunday, May 13.