Academic Super Bowl 2018

More stories from Joan Lee

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May 13, 2019

Jennifer Leavell

MVHS Fine Arts Academic Team 2017-2018

On March 8, the Mt. Vernon High School Academic Super Bowl teams participated in the invitational at Shelbyville High School. On April 17, the academic teams went to Area Competition at Greenfield Central High School.

World War I was this year’s theme for the Academic Super Bowl. Each of the five subjects – English, fine arts, math, science, and social studies – had their own topics to cover. Some of the topics were Ernest Hemingway’s “A Farewell to Arms,” war songs, integral calculus, medical treatments of WWI, and an overview of the war.

“I think academic team is good,” said Richard Chen, 11. “It is fun to go to a competition where different schools compete over different topics through different academic subjects.”

There were 93 schools that qualified for the 32nd Annual Indiana Academic Super Bowl State Finals. The other academic teams did not have enough points to qualify for State. However, the fine arts academic team will be advancing to State for the second year in a row on May 5.

“Academic team has been neat this year,” said Matt Rollo, 12. “I have enjoyed learning about the art and music of WWI because it is a piece to the story that you do not discuss in history class.’

The Fertile Crescent is the theme of next year’s Academic Super Bowl.

Contact Mrs. Zelencik (English), Mrs. Sherbak (fine arts), Mr. Goff (math), Mr. Everett (science), or Mr. Guthrie (social studies) if interested in being part of next year’s Academic Super Bowl.