“The Little Mermaid” is swimming to opening night

Rehearsals are still underway for MV’s The Little Mermaid.

Maggie Brown, MVC Editor-in-Chief

“The Little Mermaid” is a special production for a plethora of reasons. It may not be the first Disney show the MV theatre department has ever put on, but it is certainly one of the biggest production the auditorium stage has ever seen. With puppets and heelys and high tech projection, the allure of the show seems clear, with ticket sales reaching 700 more than a month before the production hits the stage opening night. The show is nearly three times the budget of recent productions, mainly due to technical aspects and the production of what is known in theatre as “Disney magic.”


“When choosing shows for the year, I have to determine if a show is right for our student body and community,” said Ms. Davis. “With iconic Alan Menken music, beloved narrative, large cast, and show-stopping numbers, ‘The Little Mermaid’ was an easy decision.”


“As the ultimate 90s kid, I grew up on Alan Menken ballads and the Disney Princess Renaissance Era, and so ‘The Little Mermaid’ does hold nostalgia for me, and based on feedback, many of our students feel the same way,” Ms. Davis continued.


The student body did seem to react well to the news, and this cast is one of the bigger ones that MV has had in recent years. Over 60 students are involved in the show between cast and crew, which sounds like a lot. But the student body of MV is over 1300 individuals, and schools with similar populations  regularly have over 100 people show up to auditions alone.


“We definitely have a need for more students to get involved in theatre,” said Ms. Davis.


Even with the appeal of a Disney show, fewer than 50 students turned out to auditions. There will be many more opportunities in the future to audition for shows here, and students are encouraged to do just that.


“I’m so glad I started doing theater,” said Mallory Mckeeman, 10. “It’s what I’m passionate about, and it’s awesome that there’s such good opportunities to be part of it here.”


Those who watch performances here are often compelled to come to the next audition, as Liam Bass, 9, was after watching “Thoroughly Modern Millie.”


“During ‘Thoroughly Modern Millie’ I was skeptical of whether or not I should do theater. Then I went to go see it and I was amazed and I instantly knew I wanted to do ‘The Little Mermaid,’” Liam said.


There is no doubt that Disney is fun to perform, fun to watch, and has strong appeal for members of an audience. “The Little Mermaid” will most certainly be a special and dazzling show. But for some, the production is special for a different and much more personal reason.