Dear MV Students,
I’m standing in the lunch line just waiting patiently to get my food, and then I hear it. I hear one of the words that I consider to be the worst of the worst. I hear some of you jokingly call your friends by this name. It’s not okay. The word is f*g or f****t.
This word has been used as a slur against LGBT+ folks for a very long time. It is an insult, so do not say it. I do not care if it is a joke, it is offensive. It makes people feel uncomfortable. If someone is so comfortable to use this disgraceful word on their friends, what stops them from using it on LGBT+ people? Nothing.
On the same note I am sick and tired of people using gay as a synonym for stupid. I am sick of people saying to their friends that they “are so gay.” LIke if your friend is actually gay and they said something that was in fact gay, sure go ahead and say it. But if you are referring to your friend being an idiot or for them doing something that was stupid, then just say that. Do not use people’s identity as a way to call someone stupid.
Another word that I have heard tossed around quite a bit is the word ret**d or ret***ed. I remember two years ago, when I was a sophomore, there was this huge campaign run by the Essential skills and Life skills students to stop the r-word. This is something that I fully support. It is a dirty word, it is a slur. I really do not care how you mean it, it needs to stop. You should never ever use it as a way to refer to someone.
Please think before you speak, as words can hurt.