MVHS presents: The Little Mermaid
More stories from Lauren Pilkington
Mt. Vernon High School’s spring musical is “The Little Mermaid.” Auditions were supposed to be held on Thursday, January 11 and Friday, January 12. However, due to the snow day on Friday, January 12 and MLK Day on Monday, auditions were officially finished Tuesday, January 16 after school. The calls went out that same night and the results were as follows:
Ariel ….. Lauren Pilkington
Prince Eric ….. Gabe Thomas
Sebastian ….. Kaylee Johnson-Bradley
Ursula ….. Maggie Brown
King Triton ….. Jacob Crow
Scuttle ….. Charles Livengood
Flounder ….. Ava Lusby
Flotsam ….. Cody Smitley
Jetsam ….. Madisen Carns
Grimsby ….. Cayden Thomas
Chef Louis ….. Liam Bass
Aquata ….. Leah Peters
Andrina ….. Jordyn White
Arista ….. Lily Phipps
Atina ….. Mallory McKeeman
Adella ….. Emme Longman
Allana ….. Grace Russell
Leeward ….. Madalyn Cottrell
Windward ….. Brooklyn Trittipo
Pilot ….. Cody Smitley
Sailors, Sea Creatures, Princesses, Chefs, Gulls
Bailey German
Brooklyn Trittipo
Cadence Roy
Cayla Davis
Emma Bechman
Emma Smith
Emme Longman
Evan Miller
Faith Parkhill
Grace Marchal
Grace Russell
Jordyn White
Katelyn Hexamer
Leah Peters
Lily Phipps
Lucie Lottes
Madalyn Cottrell
Madisen Carns
Mallory McKeeman
Mia Pacey
Trinity Vanheel
Director & Choreographer: Lindsay Davis
Vocal Director: Leigh Anderson
Technical Director: Andrew Okerson
Student Director: Delaney Johnstone
Costume Chair: Caty McGovern
Rehearsals are now underway. Both the cast and director are excited to get started.

The Little Mermaid cast learns choreography for their upcoming production.
Miss. Davis, an English teacher and director of the show said, “‘The Little Mermaid’ is probably the most complicated, high-tech, jaw-dropping spectacle of theatre that has ever been performed at Mt. Vernon! The cast, crew, and pit can’t wait for opening night.”
The musical will be performed on April 26-28 at 7PM in the auditorium. The last show will be at 2PM on the April 29.