What your Insta bio says about you

Alison Yoder, MVC Reporter

Social media is very prominent in our lives these days, but the popularity of specific sites can differ based on quite a few factors. Which app one chooses to use can say something about them.

For instance, Facebook users are often middle aged folks named Deb who enjoy talking about book club and how their nephew is better at basketball than that Carol Smith’s grandson down the street. Tumblr users are usually angsty teens and hipsters, who chat about the up and coming topics of youth, in the form of original poetry written on a grainy black and white picture of a lawn chair.

Instagram, though, is a bit different. The main user base is between ages 13 to 25 who post selfies, social life pictures, and memes. However, on each profile at the very top, users can have a bio, where they have 160 characters and endless possibilities of what to type. These bios can tell a lot about each person, and what you may be getting into when they tap that follow button. So what does your instagram reveal about you?

Do you have just your school graduation year and your name? You are probably pretty normal, fun to hang with, and slightly popular.

Do you have a song lyric or a quote? Wow, what a creative thinker. You’re so deep and thoughtful. Wow. So deep.

Is it just blank?

“I feel like I don’t need people to know my business, so my bio is just blank,” said Blake Johnson, 11.

Is your bio just an overused meme? Way to beat a dead horse, you animal abuser.

Just emojis in your bio? Alright, kid, get back to Ms. McDonald’s fourth grade classroom.

Do you have a list of your friends or a link to your test your friendship quiz? Alright, we get it, you peaked in middle school and don’t want to change anything. Whatever.

Is there a link to your Sarahah or AskFM? Find out if your crush likes you somewhere else, not anonymously.

Is the only thing in your bio a link to your soundcloud? Way to follow your dreams, but I’m pretty sure you’re subpar beats and lame raps aren’t going to get you far, Lil’ Austin.

And finally, the most important instagram bio of all, that will stand the test of time-

“Turn that blue button green and follow me!” Okay, I think you need to update your phone, because nobody else is stuck in 2014 anymore, honey.

So, check up on your bio, and think about the message you’re sending potential followers.