Marteen’s “hot” new song

Emme Longman, MVC Sports Editor

On Friday, November 3, the MV newspaper staff was given a promotional poster for the song “Sriracha” by Marteen, a 16 year old up-and-coming artist.

The promotional materials consisted of bookmarks with his picture and social media accounts on it and a small poster that was shaped like a bottle of sriracha with the title of the song and social media.

We played the song in class, and I thought it was very catchy. It had a great beat to it, even though the lyrics were a little repetitive.

The song was about how attractive the girl he is with is, which is what a lot of mainstream music is about.

I would definitely give the song a listen. I liked the beat so much that I listened to it at home, and I tried to get my sister to listen to it too.

Here is the link to listen to the song: