The Education Professions 1 students began their cadet teaching Thursday August 24. This is a class open to juniors and seniors, and an option that anyone who wants to go into education should look into. The high school students in this class are able to go over to the elementary and middle schools to be cadet teachers. There is also the option for them to go to the Mini Marauders preschool.
Students learn about educational philosophies, the history of education, the modern classroom, and how to work in a classroom.
“I wanted to do this class is because I love kids,” said Montana Hoseclaw, 11. “I love working with kids and helping them, and also I want to be a teacher when I get out of school. Taking this class is helping me learn more about being a teacher.”
Hoseclaw continued, “The thing I am most excited for in this class is the fact that I will get to help kids. So far my experience is amazing. I’m working with Mrs. Munsell’s kindergarten class and they are amazing. The most amazing experience is everyday, when you walk in, there is someone that needs help and being able to help them makes me really happy.”
Many students want to be elementary teachers, so they take this class.
“I want to be an elementary teacher so I wanted to learn more about the profession I want to do and to get some experience,” said Stephanie Dailey, 12. “I am most excited for getting to see the kids and their growth when I work with them. I can’t wait to get closer to the kids throughout the year.”
Dailey continued, “I work with kindergarten and I love it all ready. They welcomed me with so much love. They have so much love in them. Their energy is crazy, but I can’t wait for more. I love working with them because you never know what you will hear from them. They crack me up.”
Some of the students in this class want to experience teaching before they go to college for it.
“I chose to take Education Professions because I want to be a teacher and wanted to make sure that this was really what I wanted to do before going into college,” said Alexa Mott, 12. “I am most excited to work with the kids and hopefully help them learn or master something, even if it is just one topic.
Mott goes on, “My experience teaching so far has been good, but I have this one little boy who I cannot quite figure out yet. I’m pretty sure he is smart, but he tested extremely low in math and sometimes just goofs around and almost tries to make me think he doesn’t understand even when he clearly does. This isn’t an everyday thing though, just sometimes. I’m still trying to figure out the reasoning for it.”
Other students have many of the same reasons to take the class.
“I wanted to do this class because teaching is always what I wanted to do,” informs Claire Kocot, 11. “I saw a chance to finally get to try it and I took it. I am most excited for learning how to handle situations with children. I also love the atmosphere of the classroom and I enjoy going to the elementary school.”
Kocot continues on, “So far in my teaching, I have noticed students understanding topics better after I give them further instruction. I have had kids excited to work with me and others not so much. They either see me as a teacher or as a high school student in their classroom. I have learned a lot so far and I am excited to continue doing so.”
If anyone is interested in taking this class next year, talk to their guidance counselor.