ICY Vaughn winners

Sydney Blankenship, Staff Writer

The George and Icy Vaughn Scholarship is a competition that takes place every single year in Hancock County. One instrumentalist and one vocalist are selected from each school for auditions.

First place in each category received a $3,500 scholarship, second place received $2,500, third place received $1,500, and fourth place received $1,000. Audience members voted on their favorite performer to determine the Audience Choice Award recipient.

Seniors Felicity Kratky and Leah Klinestiver both participated in the competition. Kratky placed second in the vocalist category and Klinestiver placed second in the instrumentalist category.

“I thought it was a really great experience,” Kratky said. “I heard about the competition freshman year and have been excited for it ever since. Everyone at the competition was super nice and professional.

“My parents accepted my award for me since I had Oklahoma!” said Kratky. “They’re my best friends and my biggest support. I was so happy.”

Leah Klinestiver also participated in the event.

“I was really surprised,” Klinestiver said. “The other two instrumentalists who auditioned, Gavin Stamper and Katie Smith, are both amazing musicians so it was an honor to be chosen from a pool of such talented individuals. I very proud of myself. I had been preparing my piece for almost a year before my audition, so I accomplished a goal that I had set for myself.

“This was an amazing opportunity,” said Klinestiver. “To get the chance to compete against the most talented high school musicians in Hancock County is an honor and an experience I will never forget.”

Congratulation to Leah Klinestiver and Felicity Kratky for placing second and receiving their scholarships.