Moving schools?

Ashley Offenbach, News Editor

Mt. Vernon community school corporation consists of six schools: the preschool, McCordsville Elementary, Fortville Elementary, Mt. Comfort Elementary, Mt. Vernon Middle School, and Mt. Vernon High School.

Until recently there has been plenty of room in each building for all the students to attend without being overcrowded. While the 8th grade students being transferred to the high school definitely has caused congestion in the hallways, differing schedules help alleviate the crowding. Although this is true, recently the population in the district has become much larger and the schools, especially the elementary schools, are outgrowing their buildings.

Because Fortville and McCordsville are growing tremendously, and there are new homes, buildings, and neighborhoods, a lot of people are migrating to the area. This will cause at least one of the elementary schools to become overcrowded, so the district has sought out a solution.

Redistricting will occur for next school year so the schools will remain comfortable environments for students.

In a letter from Dr. Robbins he made sure to reiterate, “Hard Redistricting; which we are not pursuing requires all students living in or moving into the redistricted boundary area to attend the ‘new’ school without any exceptions.”

Dr. Robbins continues in this letter to say that the corporation is using soft redistricting, which is where the parents or legal guardians of students may choose where a child attends school, regardless of boundaries.

In a different document, the corporation answers frequently asked questions from the public. Specifically it discusses how bus rides will not be affected in the future, how parents have the ability to choose what school their child goes to, and that certain subdivisions are not limited to only one school.

The school with biggest impact is McCordsville Elementary because the new neighborhoods being built will be on the side of the district that attends McCordsville Elementary.

Parents will have a choice if students move schools or if they continue their education where they currently are.