Looking for an action-packed movie without a very good plot that’s a waste of money? Look no further than “Kong: Skull Island.” While it’s clear that the movie was entertaining, and it’s not surprising that the film is able to hold viewers’ attention, the movie certainly felt as if it were lacking something.
This isn’t the first time an idea has been recycled and revamped, such as the Star Trek franchise, but this revamp of King Kong quite honestly felt like a letdown. Overall, the movie was good and held my attention, but don’t pay to go see it in theaters.
When I go to a movie theater, I expect to leave excited about the movie I just saw, and to be wishing for a sequel right away. “Kong: Skull Island,” plain and simple, did not make me excited, and it didn’t make me wish for a sequel.
The simple reason for this is that Kong did not have a good plot. I wouldn’t even call it decent. The resolution to the conflict was weak, and therefore the ending left me very disappointed, considering how much hype there had been around it.
“You think walking into it, it’s going to be mostly about King Kong, but in reality, it’s more about the island full of monsters, and King Kong fighting these other monsters,” said Harold Livengood, 12. “It wasn’t what I thought it would be.”
King Kong fighting these magnificent new monsters is nice and all, but the point is, the actual story was drier than the Sahara Desert. The best option regarding Kong is to save the money and watch it once it comes out on DVD or an online streaming service.