February 7, 2017 Betsy DeVos was confirmed as Secretary of Education. Her confirmation was considered controversial. Even people who are not liberal were worried about her becoming Secretary of Education.
I am one of those people. I believe that she is going to be detrimental to the US public education system. She is unqualified, and her ideas are frankly terrible.
Betsy DeVos had never stepped foot in a public school before being confirmed as Secretary of Education. Her children also did not go to public school How can a woman who has no clue about public schools decide what is good for them? By just doing whatever she wants.
She supports charter school systems. Charter schools do not have to have licensed teachers. They do not have to provide special education. They get to pick and choose who attends their school. Every child deserves a fair education and allowing charter schools to do this is just wrong.
DeVos also believes that guns should be allowed on any school campus. Guns, the items that mass shootings, like Sandy Hook, are performed by. She seems to think that schools have to be ready to protect against grizzly bears, this is what she argued during her confirmation hearing. There are rarely reports of grizzly bears coming too close to schools. It is just ridiculous.
Betsy DeVos’s support of the bill US HB610 is detrimental. The bill will ruin the US educational system. It cancels out the Elementary and Education Act of 1965, which provides equal opportunity in education. It also abolishes the Nutritional Act of 2012 which provides the nutritional standards school meals must have.
If students cannot get an equal opportunity in education then what’s the point?