A journey in harmony

Emme Longman, Staff Writer

Both the mixed a capella group, Locked Out, and the women’s’ a capella group, Formation, attended and performed at Voices in Harmony in Kentucky on March 3-5.

“I’m excited to be spending time with all the a cappella girls and getting to know everyone better,” said Abigail Tucker, 9. “I also think this trip will be an amazing experience for the group so we can get used to performing not for just an audience, but for other groups and knowing that our hard work will pay off.”

Both a cappella groups competed at the University of Kentucky in Lexington, Kentucky on Friday.

The students left school at 10:30 on Friday, March 3, to get to the competition on time.

Formation had their sound check at 2:40, and Locked Out had theirs at 3:00. The competition officially began at 7:00; Formation went seventh and Locked Out went last. A high school group from Kentucky, called the Bulldog Beats, won the competition.

For the rest of the competition, both a cappella groups attended masterclasses led by the school and people in the Kentucky a cappella groups and teachers. Some of the masterclasses included beatboxing, editing a cappella recordings, belting, and riffs.

Later in the day on Saturday, the high school a cappella groups got to watch a professional group perform, called The Exchange.

The students headed back on Sunday morning, and got back to the school around noon.

“I feel like we did really well and that it wasn’t about the performance but it was about having fun and bonding with each other,” said Amy Devault, 11. “Sure we were a little upset but the greatest reward was getting the opportunity to perform in front of other high schools, college and professional groups. it was amazing. There was definitely things that needed to be changed, but it was all a learning experience. We performed very well and I couldn’t be prouder of the group.”