Rose Yang
Valentine’s day is the one day a year where people go all out for their loved ones without having a reason. While Valentine’s day is usually seen as a couples holiday, it is a day to celebrate all types of love, meaning family and friends as well as significant others.
Nikki Schriener, 11, said, “Shout out to all of my friends who decide to stay friends with me even though I can be annoying sometimes.”
There are quite a few people who, like Nikki, enjoy Valentine’s day by celebrating friendship. But there are still people who like to celebrate that special someone.
Kaesyn Herzog, 11, said, “Shout out to my man who’s not really my man yet. Thanks for building me up, encouraging me, and waiting for me. You’re fantastic.”
Kaesyn then continued, “I do not like this holiday. I think you should celebrate the love you have for others throughout the whole year, not just the 14th of February. But, the deals on chocolate make it acceptable.”

“Well, what I do on Valentine’s day is stay at home and forget it’s Valentine’s day,” said Ethan Patrick, 11.
Valentine’s Day is viewed as a couples holiday, but quite a few people also spend the day with their friends and family. Love is in the air, weather it is romantic or platonic.