Jennifer McGowen
Next year, Mrs. Terrell’s AP European History class has a rather large student interest. The class has 77 students signed up next year, and compared to this year’s 43, it’s a big jump.
“I am really excited about all the students in next year’s class,” said Mrs.Terrell, “I like to make the class as fun as possible for my students.”
The class, although fun, is not an easy one; it is an AP class after all.
”After I give the summer assignment, a few of the students decide that it is too much work for them to handle, “ said Terrell. “Most students will do fine in the class and can handle the workload, though.”
The class is very beneficial for college as well.
“The college boards told me that the class is considered one of the most indicative classes that students can take in high school, and if the students do well in the class it means that they have the ability to excel in college,” said Terrell.
“I took the course for future college credits,” said Savanna Mckemie, 10.
Many students who are taking the course next school year have mixed feelings about what they were about to go through.
“The class is going to be hard and a lot of work, but it will be fun interesting,” said Amiee Britain, 10, “I am very interested in European history anyway.”
“The teacher, Mrs.Terrell, influenced me to take the course,” said McKemie.
Many students were influenced by their peers who had already taken or are in the course now.
“My friends told me that this class is going to be fun,” said Sarah Cardenas, 9.
AP European History has a lot of interest for next year, and many more students may learn about a nation different from the one they live in.