Student of the month: Megan Gawrys

Ashley Offenbach, MVC News Editor

Megan Gawrys works extremely hard doing sports, classes, and extracurricular activities at the same time. Megan is a part of soccer and girls’ basketball and is involved in many school activities.

Q: What classes are you in currently and what AP/Dual Credit classes are you taking this year?

A: I’m currently in Photography, Economics, Probability and Statistics, and AP Language and Composition. I am taking AP Language and Composition, AP Government, AP Spanish, AP Psychology.

Q: How do you manage to balance school, social, and sports life?

A: It’s all about stay on task and knowing how to manage your time. With school it’s been nice for me this semester  that I haven’t had too much homework and I have a study hall to get the little homework I do have done at school. The main key is to just plan out what you have to do for the evening and make sure you take the time to get it done. As with social and sports life, the two go hand in hand. The majority of my best friends play my sports with me so it’s not hard to find time to hang out with them.

Q: What class is your hardest and how do you work to maintain your great grades?

A: AP Language is probably the hardest class, mainly because it is presented as a college course. It’s a lot of work that is due long term and you have to keep yourself on pace yourself. The way I maintain my grades is to make sure I have a schedule of when everything is due by.

Q: What is your favorite class and why?

A: My favorite class that I’m currently in is Probability and Statistics. I’m pretty good at it which makes it enjoyable. It’s just the accomplishment you feel when you’re doing problems right, and it comes pretty easy to me. It’s one of the first math classes I’ve taken that have actually be fun.

Q: Since you have a study hall every other day, do you constantly work to get homework done in there or is it done before/after study hall?

A: I typically work to get my homework done in study hall. It’s nice because I have study hall fourth block so I know what all my homework is for the day. I really work to use this time to my advantage because after practice I’m pretty tired and don’t typically want to spend hours doing homework. It’s nice to be able to go home and relax for the evening and have some free time.