Hairspray! is the latest MVHS style
Cast members rehearse for their stint on the Corny Collins show, one of the many sets of Hairspray!
November 16, 2016
Good morning, Baltimore. The Mt. Vernon Drama Department is performing the 2002 Broadway classic, “Hairspray!” I had the pleasure of viewing the show early and might I just say, I loved every minute of it. From the vibrant sets to the quirky characters, this show is a must-see.

FELICITY Kratky, who plays Tracy and Maggie Brown, who plays her best friend Penny, rehearse a scene.
I couldn’t decide what my favorite part of the show was. It was everything combined. The cast acts terrifically throughout the whole performance and it made me leave the show with a smile on my face. Felicity Kratky as Tracy and Maggie Brown as Penny were just two of the stand-out performances I saw during the show.
The costumes are just as vibrant and made me feel like I was transported back into the sixties. The sets and backgrounds were very bright, so much so that I didn’t want to take my eyes away from the stage.
The show is running November 17-20 with 7 p.m. shows on the 17th, 18th, and 19th and a 2 p.m. showing on the 20th and tickets are $7 for students and $10 for adults. So come on down and see the nicest kids in town.