“Slime Rancher” is an indie game about working on a ranch that houses little slime creatures. It was developed by Monomi Park and was released on August 1, 2017, by publisher Skybound Games. Before purchasing the game, I had no interest in consuming Slime Rancher content in any form, but, after a pretty generous sale, I decided to give it a try. This was one of the better decisions I have made in my life, as “Slime Rancher” has provided me with hours of entertainment over the past couple of weeks.
Players play as Beatrix LeBeau, a human who has traveled a thousand light years away from Earth to the Far, Far Range to begin her life as a slime rancher. The early game is a bit slow, but also immediately sets the chill atmosphere, which is my favorite part of it.

The game begins with a little tutorial that teaches players the basics of ranching slimes. These basics include how to use

the vacpack, how to buy corrals and how the economy works. Soon, players will begin to expand their horizons by purchasing expansions to the traversable area. One of these expansions is the Overgrowth, which allows players to purchase more corrals, coops, and more.
As players begin to explore more of the Range, they will discover new types of slimes, such as the damaging Rock Slimes or the cute Tabby Slimes. If they decide to venture out at night, they may even discover Phosphor Slimes, which must be kept in an area untouched by the sun’s rays. Luckily, there is both a corral upgrade that keeps it dim and an expansion into the Grotto, which is a cave area that can successfully house Phosphor Slimes without the need of the extra upgrade.

Gordo Slimes are scattered throughout the Range, and if players feed them enough of their favorite food, they will explode into a plethora of rewards, with the most notable reward being a Slime Key. Slime Keys are used to open ancient doors that further expand the area in which players can explore. Some Gordo Slimes also activate teleporter pads that can be used for quick traveling between the linked locations.
The Science Lab is another expansion to the Range, and it is very useful when players can afford it. The Science Lab is used to create machines that can mine for resources to create more machines, establish unique

teleporter links, decorate the Range and more. I have not been able to dabble much into the Science Lab as I have only just recently unlocked it, which says a lot about how far I really am into the game.
Since this is about as far as I have gotten into “Slime Rancher,” it is time for my rating of the game. It gets nine out of ten Rad Slimes in my Rad Slime corral, and its prize is an upgrade to how powerful my will is to 100% it.