Omnichords are a funky little piece of 80’s history. While they continue to be produced by Suzuki today, not many people are aware of the existence of the omnichord. It is essentially an electronic version of the autoharp, a stringed instrument that was the predecessor of the acoustic guitar. The omnichord, however, is electronic and includes more features than the autoharp.
Omnichords can play a variety of different chords. They even have a built-in drum machine. Omnichords are easy to play. All one needs to do is press down a button and strum. One can play major, minor, and seventh chords by pressing down a few buttons at once. The omnichord’s versatility makes it a good beginner instrument.
The omnichord has a mystical and sweet sound when played. It almost has a feeling of nostalgia to it. It has even been used in shows like “Adventure Time,” when Marceline sings “Remember You.” The omnichord sort of sounds like a toy piano, or like the meowing electronic keyboard available from Target. Omnichords, though, are far more expensive.
While the omnichord was originally discontinued by Suzuki in 1996, the company has just recently released its new model, the OM-108, in July of this year. It costs around $800. If one is interested in owning an omnichord, though, it is possible to obtain one for a cheaper price. The best option would be to buy one used. Even then,used omnichords are typically within the price range of around $500 to $600.
Omnichords are quite the silly instrument. They resemble something very 80s-esque, and they sound like something from the 80s, too. I do not own an omnichord myself, but I hope to buy one in the near future. I believe they are a worthwhile investment if it is an older omnichord for a lower price because of how versatile of an instrument it is.