Candles have been a tool for humans for a very long time. Their simplicity, good smell, and source of light secured their use as both a light source and the optimal air fresheners for centuries. However, recently, a new type of air freshener has entered the game: electric wax warmers. In order to figure out which is the better option, the pros and cons of both have to be examined.
Candles come in great varieties of colors, sizes and scents. Smaller options are available for smaller spaces, as the scent spreads as it heats up. The bigger sizes, on the other hand, are longer lasting and can fill a larger room for a longer amount of time. Cost-wise, larger candles are more expensive; good ones can cost upward to forty-five dollars or more, depending on the brand, but they also last much longer. Smaller candles can be found at the dollar store, but sometimes last an hour or less.
A con of candles is that they use fire as the heat source for melting, making them an immediate fire hazard near certain materials. Depending on the cost and size, some candles are worth the investment. Personally, I believe that candles are good, but have parts that could be much better such as safety and how long they last.
Wax warmers also come in many different shapes and sizes. The best part about these melting plates is that the customer not only gets to choose the style of the wax warmer, which offers a variety of options, but the scent of the wax can be swapped as well. Wax warmers offer so many options including colors, shapes, or styles.
As far as pricing goes, wax warmers cost anywhere from eleven to forty dollars, and the cost of the wax cubes themselves can add upward to fifteen dollars. However, considering how a wax warmer can last for years and the wax can be cycled out, the investment is worth it. Candles only last a few hours depending on the size, but a wax warmer can last for many years due to the wax being cycled and it not needing a flame. Having no open flame is another pro, as it makes the product safer to be around or accidentally leave on.
Both these products offer many benefits. However, I do believe that wax warmers are more cost effective, safe and have more variety, making them the better option. All in all, though, both options are beneficial and offer a great way to make a home feel and smell good.