Classes can get boring at times, especially during notes. A common cure for boredom is doodling on the corners of papers. But knowing what to draw can be a struggle. These are some ideas for some simple and relaxing things to make.
One example is goobers. Goobers are just as they sound. Silly small characters, having large beady eyes, baggy clothing, and absurd poses. Goobers are so fun to make when homework gets annoying and one needs a small break.
To start these little creatures, first, make the face. Draw two large circles, then two smaller ones in the desired placement. For this example, the smaller circles spread apart to give a derpy look. After that, fill in the smaller circle. The eyes are now done. To finish the face, connect the eyes with a crescent, and two half circles on the sides of the eyes. The eyes, chin, and ears are completed.
Next, it is time to draw the top of the hair to finish the head. A middle part is used in this example. Make sure it is big and cartoon-like. Plenty of good examples are online if a middle part is different from your desired hairstyle.
After the head, it’s time to make the body. In this picture, the goober is wearing a hoodie. Two sideways bumps made the hood, a long U shape for the bottom of the hoodie, circles for the hands, and three lines connecting with two triangles to make the legs and feet. It is best not to make anything sharp. The looser clothing gives a cartoon feeling. As said before, online can help give ideas on clothing ideas and looks.
To finish off, the back of the hair is to be drawn. Bigger and fluffier hair is fun to draw.
With practice, goobers can be made into any position and various expressions. Keep them chunky, loose, and cartoon-like. If they are imperfect, it makes them all the better.
Another simple thing to doodle is thorns and roses. It is a very straightforward design. First, make small ovals at various angles that connect at the bottom to make the petals. Then draw a long, wavy line from where the ovals connect to create the stem. To finish it off, draw small spikes that alternate on each side of the wavy line. These will be the thorns. A tip for the stem is not to make it super wavy, just put in some simple curves.
One last doodle to make is cobwebs. Create a star or snowflake shape like the example above. The base has now been made. This next part can be a bit precise. Make a small dip, just high enough so it is visible, but not enough that it is halfway up the base.
Continue that process around the entire base. Make sure the dips connect and are around the same size.
Do that cycle to make a second row. It is best to make the distances between both dips the same as the first dips to the midpoint.
Finally, finish with the last row. If the lines of the base need to be longer, then feel free to make them.
These three doodles are both fun and a breeze to make. If any of these are different from what is desired, feel free to alter them in any way until they look right. Hopefully, these can help reduce boredom in class.