The Apna Bazaar is a store in Fishers. The address is 7233 Fishers Landing Dr, Fishers, IN 46038. It is a small business and Indian market that sells a variety of items. It is open every day of the week from 10:00 am to 9:00 pm. It holds many foods such as snacks, ingredients for cooking, and refrigerated meals. There are aisles of spices, nuts and noodles.
It is a small store, but it has many foods in it. There are large bags of nuts like cashews and peanuts. There is a shelf with spices for different things. If one enjoys spicy food, they might want to shop in that section of the store. There is also a shelf full of sweets. There are different things like biscuits and cookies. Some have flavors of nuts or fruits like mangoes and pineapple. The refrigerated meals include breakfast items, desserts and dinners.
This store is good for anyone who enjoys Indian food or wants to try something that is not a meal.