Many people have a love-hate relationship with the little critters known as insects. There are many different types of insects that all have their unique role in the ecosystems they live in, many of them are hated because of their creepy appearance. The main creepy crawlies people love to hate often have their benefits overlooked because of their appearance.
¨Ew! A spider!¨ is a commonly heard exclamation in many households, especially during the transition into the cooler months, when insects such as these seek refuge from the cold. Spiders are not very fun to look at, with eight hairy legs, up to eight eyes, and a body separated into two parts. However, spiders are not just creepy; they can be fascinating at times too. Spiders who develop webs have tiny claws at the end of their legs to climb on the webs without sticking. They also spit enzymes on their prey to break it down before ingesting it. Most of all, spiders prevent the overpopulation of disease-spreading insects like mosquitoes. So, next time a family member worries about a spider, remind them of the other, more threatening creepy crawlies that spiders keep away.
Ants are another bothersome bug that tend to sneak into houses during the warmer months. Ants are seen everywhere as they form intricate tunnels in the ground ending with the little hills that line driveways. They also have a small part in preventing other more threatening creatures such as flies, fleas, and sometimes cockroaches as they eat the eggs and larvae. Ants are also beneficial to agriculture. According to studies by The Field Museum in Australia, tunnels of ants aerate the soil which circulates necessary nutrients. They may seem bothersome when they infiltrate the home, but they do have their benefits when they stay outside.
Many people also have an uncertain relationship with bees. Bees are always buzzing around during the warmer seasons, specifically honey bees. There are two common honey bees, the male drones who are stingless, and the more common stinging female workers. These critters have intricate systems set to live. Bees have a system run by the workers, who choose the queen, provide for the babies, and even get rid of a queen that doesn’t work well for the colony. The queen is very important, so they are raised in a specific manner, with a diet consisting only of a special substance called royal jelly. The hives are intricately made of wax and split up in a fashion to divide the food and the nursery. Bees also pollinate flowers to form the sweet substance known as honey. Honey is sold on a massive scale throughout the world, used for many recipes and other uses as well. The process of making honey includes the pollination of plants, which spreads the seeds of that plant to grow into other flowers eventually. Bees are necessary for new generations of flowers and other plants. They may be bothersome at times, but they benefit the planet and humans.
In the end, these bugs have their place in the world, and they have a beneficial effect on the environment around them. People should seek more information about a critter before seeing it as a threat. There may be some creatures who are bothersome, but people cannot be sure unless they put effort into learning about the world around them.