Prom at MVHS

Katelynn Hexamer

Ashley Wyman (11), Katelynn Hexamer (11), and Anna Starken (11) having fun at prom.

Madalyn Cottrell, MVCurrent Writer

Mt. Vernon High School’s juniors and seniors dressed their best for the 2021 prom at Daniel’s Vineyard on April 24th. Last year’s prom was cancelled due to the outbreak of COVID-19, so students were excited to be able to attend prom this year. 

This year, things were different than they usually were. Last year’s quarantine prevented the school from being able to host alternatives for the 2020 prom, but this year’s prom was adapted. Changes were made to provide students with the safest and most fun opportunity. 

One of the changes made was in regards to who could attend. In the past, underclassmen and students from other schools were allowed to be invited by MVHS upperclassmen. In order to keep things as fair and as safe as possible, the school had to limit attendance to juniors and seniors. Ticket sales were also limited, and sold on a first-come-first serve basis. Fortunately, for the class of 2021, seniors were granted priority. 

Prom was also organized differently than usual. Students were separated into different colored-groups of 40, but got to choose which group color they wanted to be in. This was installed to limit the number of students around each other, and made the contact tracing process easier. Adaptations to food were also made. As opposed to hot food served in the past, wrapped snacks were served. 

Towards the end of prom, the 2021 King and Queen were announced. Amongst the candidates for the crown, Liam Bass (12) and Shiloh McFarland (12) reigned victorious. 

“Prom was really fun,” said Bass, 12. “It was really fun winning prom king and hearing all of my friends cheer me on. It was also just nice to have a night with no stress to just enjoy ourselves.”

From 7:00-10:30 P.M., students were able to dance with their friends and have a shred of normalcy amidst a very different, unpredictable year.