Jeffrey Epstein

Cade Clark, Staff Writer

Jeffrey Epstein, a former financer for his own firm, J. Epstein & Co., ended his life while on suicide watch on August 10 in the Metropolitan Correctional Center in New York. 

Epstein was in jail on two felony charges. The problem though is when his body was found and the news broke, it was revealed that the people who were supposed to supervise him in his cell had both fallen asleep and failed to check on him. He had close ties to both Donald Trump and former president Bill Clinton in the early 2000’s. There have been many conspiracies sparked saying that maybe they were involved in Epstein’s death. 

Whether either Trump or Clinton was involved is not known. The autopsy performed displays breakings in his neck, with the main break in the hyoid bone. Breakage in the hyoid bone can be caused by a hanging in older men. But, it is very unlikely. A study shows out of 264 cases of hanging in middle aged men, only 16 of the middle aged men had breakings in the hyoid bone, which is a mere 6%. Factors like weight and suspension play a big part in the bone breaking. Breakage in the hyoid bone is very common  in victims of homicide by strangulation because of the grip of the arm around the neck is tighter than a noose, which raises a lot more questions to what actually happened.

It is still very early in the investigation and more is to be found out.