Yellow Vest updates

Grant Hess, MVC Staff Wrtier

The Yellow Vests, a group of French citizens, are continuing to protest. What started out as a small movement against a proposed tax on gas, has turned into a mass movement of over 50,000 people, against the Macron presidency.

Months after the initial protest, they are still going strong. Macron has yet to address The Yellow Vests’ core concern, and has not met with them to any large degree, or attempted to assuage their fears.

The groups only protest on Saturdays, as most of them hold steady jobs or have some sort of paying activity during the week.

Recently the Red Scarfs, a middle class bourgeois movement, have sought to denounce the Yellow Vests and their plight. However, their footprint on the national agenda has been objectively smaller, thus making them somewhat inconsequential.  

Cole Shaffer, 12, said, “Although the Yellow Vests have legitimate concerns about both their quality of life and ability to hold a job, these Red Scarfs seem to be diminishing their concerns with trivial protests about diversity and perceived bigotry.”

Until the fears and concerns of the Yellow Vests are at least addressed, it is the likely that the protests will continue.