MVHS celebrates world languages

More stories from Maggie Brown

On Friday, April 13, the world language classes of Mt. Vernon gathered in the gym for a celebration of language and culture. Art exhibits, games, and food were all part of this multicultural event that showcased the languages taught here at MV, which include Mandarin, American Sign Language, French, and Spanish.


Art, made by the students in the language classes, was displayed all around the gym. Images included depictions of Mardi Gras, the Eiffel Tower, depictions of Chinese dragons, and Devia, a form of Deaf art.


The food was also mostly student made, and came from all corners of the globe. There were Chinese dumplings, Mexican pancakes, Spanish rice, French desserts, and cookies in the handshape of the sign for “I love you.”


“It was really great to experience so much different culture, and we worked hard to put our part together,” said Makaela King, 12.


Games included one where students put in earplugs and attempted to lipread, and another where eggs full of confetti, called cascarones, were smashed on student’s heads, which is a game that originated in Spain.


If anyone found themselves bored, there were constant performances happening on a stage that had been set up in the gym. Students sang French and Mandarin songs, performed on musical instruments, and signed along to songs. Videos were played on a screen beside the stage.


Both the German exchange students and the Taiwanese teachers gave a performance on the stage, with the Taiwanese teachers singing karaoke and the German students doing a dance to a Bavarian children’s song. These performances were very entertaining and were a fun glimpse into a small piece of other countries cultures.


“It was really interesting to watch,” said Emma Walker, 11, “and it was different than things we do here.”


Over 400 students currently involved in a world language class or club were in attendance.