AP Prep

Hannah Warfel, MVC Reviews Editor

AP tests may seem like they are far away, but they are closer than you think, so get ready for it now.

“When I get ready for the AP tests, first I cry then I study somehow by watching Crash Course videos and such,” said Nikki Schreiner, 12.

For the upcoming tests, make sure you study the materials given to you in your AP class. For extra help, “5 steps to a 5” books or any AP study books are available on Amazon.

Study groups are also a great idea because peers may be able to explain something in a relatable way. Another tip to be aware of is that Crash Course videos are accessible for many different classes, such as AP Psychology and AP Government.

Make sure you take breaks while studying. Try to study for 25 minutes and then take a five minute break, then repeat. It’s important to study, but too much at one time is a sure fire way to stress someone out quickly.

“The most important part for getting ready for an AP Exam is to make sure you get a good night’s rest and eat a healthy breakfast right before the test,” said Emma Moeller, 12.

Mrs. Ruble, the AP Psychology teacher, said that students shouldn’t change habits just for one day because it can put test takers on edge and stress them out more.

Since experts do say that sleep and a healthy breakfast are important before any big test. For a few weeks before the test, you should try to go to bed by 10pm and eat a full healthy breakfast.


Test Date Morning (8 AM) Afternoon (12 PM)

May 7

AP Spanish Literature and Culture AP Psychology

May 8

AP Spanish Language and Culture AP Physics 1: Algebra-Based

May 9

AP English Literature and


AP Physics 2: Algebra-Based

May 10

AP United States Government and Politics

May 11

AP United States History ***AP Studio Art classes portfolios are due



May 16

AP English Language and Composition AP Italian Language and Culture

May 17

AP Statistics