ACP vs. AP

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May 13, 2019

Several AP classes have been changed to ACP, and others have remained AP classes. However, a question that is a repeat from last year─What is the difference between ACP and AP?─continues to confuse people.

AP stands for Advanced Placement, and the College Board offers these classes, which help students earn college credit by taking an AP exam.

ACP stands for Advance College Project. Indiana University offers this dual credit program. As long as the student passes the class and class final, he or she receives college credit.

However, these two do have their similarities. Students can get dual credit, and both types of classes are considered to be college level courses, if not college introductory classes. In addition, students must pay to be able to get college credit. AP students must pay for the exam fee, which is $95. However, the state of Indiana pays for science, math, and English AP exams.

Students taking ACP must pay the bill from IU. Students can expect around $25 per credit hour. For instance, since ACP Chemistry is worth 5 credit hours, ACP Chem students must pay $125.

“Mr. Roach chose ACP,” said Mr. Zelencik. “Several people think ACP is a better fit because students are guaranteed credit if they pass the class. The biggest difference is rigor. AP goes more into depth and detail, and ACP is more of a college introductory course.”

Another major difference between ACP and AP is what grades and credits depend on. AP relies on the AP exam for college credit, but ACP depends on the IU grade, which includes several assignments and exams over a period of time.

AP students must take an exam to get a score that will determine how much college credit each individual student will receive. If AP students receive an adequate score on the AP exam, there is a high possibility that they will receive credit at the college or university they attend.

ACP students must pass the class to earn the guaranteed IU credit. The credits from these courses will definitely be transferred to all Indiana public colleges. However, some private colleges may not accept the credit. In addition, several people believe that ACP is not as easily accepted by college due to fact that different colleges accept different credits. On the other hand, if AP students receive an adequate score on the AP exam, there is a high possibility that they will receive credit at the college or university they attend.

“Many people preferred ACP over AP because AP depended on one main exam,” said Mr. Guthrie. “The instructor does not have to go as fast with ACP because the entire curricular framework does not need to be covered by the AP exam date.”

Teachers determine the pacing of both AP and ACP classes but must follow the required concepts that they must cover. However, ACP has a more prescribed curriculum, where there are more required topics that each course will have to cover.