Erica Magee, Staff Writer

IMPACT Group is a student-run Christian prayer group at Mt. Vernon. IMPACT stands for Inspirational Movement Prayer Advocates for Christian Teens. The group meets every Tuesday and Thursday morning from 8:00 to 8:25, in the 8th grade choir room.

Freshman Grace Yantes had the idea to create it and is the president of the group at Mt. Vernon. Darby Fehl is vice president and Marilyn Kiner is secretary.

Yantes said, “IMPACT is a group where students should be able to come and not be judged, but learn more about God and make friends that love God with them.”

The group is open to any Mt. Vernon high school students. Yantes explains that the group is welcoming to all new members.

“It was designed to help everyone in the group get through high school with a group of people they know they’ll always have.”

Creating lasting relationships is one of the main purposes for the group. Yantes further explained the origins intentions of the group.

“I went to my friends, Darby Fehl and Marilyn Kiner about it and they helped me begin it. So we all started it together. My hope for the students that are apart of it is that they are able to learn more about their faith and create relationships with people that they know can last. It’s supposed to be a safe environment.”

A typical meeting will include a devotional and a prayer to end the meeting and begin the school day.