Take a shot at this fun class


Claire Dorsch, Editor in Chief

Photography I and II are classes available for students to take after Introduction to 2D and 3D art. They are taught by Mrs. Hurst, who also teaches Intro as well as Drawing I and II. It is a wonderful class that can be used for all kinds of purposes, whether it be a photo shoot for senior year or getting a great profile picture.

Photography has taught me more than the basic fundamentals and rules in the  photography world. This class has taught me to look at ordinary, everyday objects from a different perspective and to also think creatively for every simple prompt.

This class also teaches students how to use Adobe Photoshop, which is useful in today’s day and age where our media is riddled with fake content. Being able to spot a photoshopped photograph is a great skill to have, as well as how to photoshop an elephant into being an elephant-butterfly hybrid on the moon.

Just because this career or hobby seems simple does not mean that it is so. Getting that perfect lighting or the right angle for a picture is difficult and takes time, and unlike a drawing, one cannot just erase part of a picture and redo it. It involves reshooting the whole photograph.

Despite the difficulty of this course, it has truly been one of my favorites that I have taken in the art department, and I encourage anyone who is interested in trying their hand at this time-old artform to take these classes.